Posted by: bluesyemre | April 30, 2021

Lightning Maps (Real time lightning map) is an additional service to the main project For general questions about this project and for ordering the necessary hardware have a look at the appropriate documentation, FAQs and instructions before contacting us. Also, the discussion board is a good place for all questions and they will be quickly answered there by us and the participants on most times. Our email address is: mail at

The data provided by is for entertainment purposes only. We are not liable for the completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy of the information on our website. We are not responsible for damages, resulting from trusting the content of our website or its use. The data of is not suitable for a plausibility check in insurance matters and it is not intended for protection of life and property! You must contact a commercial lightning data provider in such cases!

Use of maps and data

Most of the maps on can be used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. Check the footer of the maps whether the CC BY-SA license does apply. When using a map, you should refer to and contributors for the lightning data in the map and refer to for the map itself. Example: CC BY-SA 4.0 / Lightning data by and contributors

Even maps not marked with CC-BY-SA can be used for private usage. Those maps are mainly used in combination with overlays from third-party sources, like satellite images. You have to check their licences by yourselves.

You can also create screenshots from our websites, but you are responsible for the correct referencing by yourself. As an example, the real time lightning map needs “Source:” (with link), “Lightning data by and contributors” and “Map: Google” (or “Map: OpenStreetMap and contributors” if it’s activated) for the underlying map (and even more sources). If there’s not enough place for all sources (i.e. on a preview image) you should at least place a reference to “” or “” with a direct link. Please note: It is not allowed to include the real-time maps, the Google map or other raw lightning data in external websites via iframes or similar technology!;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

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